Saturday 14 July 2012

Finding Something Different

One of the biggest challenges for the craft fair is trying to find different things to do every year. Oddly, I've found that things that sell like hot cakes one year don't necessarily sell as well the following year because the novelty has worn off.

These little Fimo creations were new for 2011 and saw Daddy Playle revisiting a hobby that was some 30 years old. Most of them were dual purpose - tree decorations or fridge magnets - and they were popular.

I cannot create anything from Fimo. Or make anything that requires any sort of artistic ability. I rely heavily on the assistance of others in that regard! I'm very good at coming up with improbable tasks and creations for them though! There are some weird and wonderful things still on the backburner from last year, which may or may not make it to the 2012 fair!

Whilst on holiday last week I saw, somewhere in the depths of Devon, earrings made out of buttons. Buttons are something I have amassed a lot of and earrings posts, I discovered, are in ready supply. In my head they already look wonderful. This weekend will tell whether the pudding is proved in the eating! The process does involve superglue.....

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